St Mary’s Priory News

St Mary’s re-opens

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Posted on 19 June 2020

Chechelele World Choir

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Posted on 24 January 2020

Christmas Services

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Posted on 21 December 2019

St Mary’s Christmas Fayre

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Posted on 28 November 2019

Concert on 2nd November

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Posted on 18 October 2019


Thank you to all who donated to the appeal for funds to repair the roof at at St Mary’s.  The internal scaffolding has now been removed and it is expected that the external work will be completed in the coming days.  The next project is to repair the church floor.  At present there is a carpet covering the central aisle and area around the font.  The proposal is to obtain permission to remove this as it is in poor condition.  Underneath is a parquet floor which has many loose blocks.  The proposal is to have these  re-laid, cleaned and sealed.  The estimated cost is £6000.  We are underway in raising funds. If you’d like to donate please contact one of the churchwardens  Helen Morgan ( ) or Sue Galley (

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